
Guidelines for preparing a proposal to organize epe-pemc conference

EPE-PEMC has to be substituted by PEMC everywhere.

Thank you for planning to organize the EPE-PEMC conference. By doing this, you could contribute to the growth of our field, enabling enhanced communication between the various actors of Power Electronics in Europe and all over the world. You will also be given the opportunity to throw light to your own Department and University as well as promote Power Electronics in your country.
This document has been set up to help you putting together your proposal for organizing the EPE-PEMC Conference.

1. The conference

The conference lasts for 3 days, preferably from Monday to Wednesday or from Tuesday to Thursday. The conference hosts about 500-600 attendees but the number can change considerable in both directions. Accompanying persons are about 150, depending on the venue. When deciding about the date of the conference similar conferences should be also taken into consideration. In past the EPE-PEMC conferences were held in the first or second week of September. The local weather can have an impact, so kindly describe the expected weather based on the last 100 years records.

2. The choice of the venue

It is recommended to present an overview of all the possible venues in your country (pluses/minuses) and justify, why the selected solution is the best. Hotels with conference centre are preferred. Please evaluate the safety issues around the conference venue in the city and in the country (bagging, pick pocketing, car theft).

3. The selected conference venue

The following part of the proposal is devoted to the description of the selected conference venue.

Request for conference rooms (minimum requirements)

A. Lecture rooms

  • Main hall: 500~600 seats or more
  • Second hall: 250 seats
  • Third, fourth and fifth hall: 150 to 250 seats

All room should be equipped with PC-projection, and a set of microphones (wireless). A video-projector, PC-projection and VHS recorder with a set of TVs or with projecting on screen is optional. A separate room with a number of PC-s having free Internet connections is required.
B. Dialogue sessions: min 500 m2
The area can consist of one big space or several large neighbouring rooms where posters can be placed. Dimensions of posters are 1 x 1.5 m, or equivalent area. Nearby the posters stands desks and chairs should be placed for the authors and inquirers.
C. Exhibition hall: min 250 m2
D. Secretariat rooms: 3 smaller rooms. Computers, printers and copy machine.
E. Authors meeting rooms: 4 small rooms or equivalent
F. Slides check room
G. Press room
H. Internet connection with computer and printer.

4. The tutorials

Depending on the requests 1-day tutorials are organized one day before the first conference day. The venue should have the possibility to organize these courses on site or in the direct neighbourhood. Classrooms are the standard for the tutorials. Laboratory facilities are a plus. A total of about 50 attendees are expected.

5. The social programme

Lunch and coffee during the coffee breaks are served on site. Usually the first evening is devoted to an at least 1-1.5 hour reception in a nice place. It includes an official speech by the mayor or any other local official, introduced by the conference chairperson. The second evening is devoted to the official banquet. The EPE-PEMC Council award is presented on this occasion. Also the site for the next EPE-PEMC Conference is announced officially and a short introduction of the next conference site is presented. A short (20-30 minute) performance (local traditional dance or concert) is preferred and expected.

6. Programme for accompanying persons

Special programme must be planned for accompanying persons.

7. The technical visits

The day after the conference 2 to 3 technical visits are organised. They give the opportunity to make local achievements visible, especially in the field of the power electronics and motion control applications. A total of about 50 persons are expected. The visits must be guided by English speaking specialist(s).

8. The hotels

All categories are needed for our attendees, from the 5* hotels to students rooms or bed and breakfast.
Average prices (single and double rooms) should be presented.
Also distance from the Conference should be declared (minutes by foot/and or by public transport).

9. The proceedings

Proceedings are available via internet (during the conference as well).

10. Travelling to the conference venue

All possibilities should be described (by plane, car, railway, boat: frequency and destinations). Describe the local transportation system (trams, busses, and metro) the transport from the airport and transport of participants from the conference venue to the social programme, etc.

11. The chairman and the organising staff

The chairman briefly presents his experiences in organisation of scientific events. Mention the key-persons in the local Organising Committee.
The usage of a stable electrical paper submission and review system is mandatory. Please, describe what kind of system is intended to be used.

12. Review

International Reviewing Process must be organized. Each paper must be reviewed at least by three independent reviewers. It is required by IEEE Xplore as well.

13. The budget

  • Registration fee should not exceed the 500 Euros
  • All secretariat work done in organising the conference is covered by the conference budget.
  • The conference chair is asked to announce how he can support participants of the ISC meeting a half year before the conference. Can he support the transportation or accommodation fees or only the lunch and dinners?
  • Lunches, coffee breaks in three days and social programmes in the first and second conference evenings are included in the registration fee.
  • Students and PhD students, EPE-PEMC Council members, EPE members get a discount in Registration Fee.
  • Cost of the conference kits including badge, simple bag, city map, tourist guide, notepapers with pen, small local present has to be included.
  • More than one budget could be worked out and submitted e.g. for different number of participants.
  • A certain budget is necessary to maintain the electrical paper submission and review process system.
  • The support of the keynote lecturers (3~5 persons) must be counted with as well. Usually they are not charged by registration fee and free accommodations are provided.

14. Financial issues and EPE-PEMC Council

The members of the EPE-PEMC Council are not involved in the monetary details of the finance of the conferences. On the part of the members of EPE-PEMC Council the requests are as follows: the registration fee should be less than 500 EUR and the quality of the service must be as good - or possibly better - as we have had in our last EPE-PEMC conferences. One of the obligations of the local organizer toward the interest of EPE-PEMC Council is the following: As a wish and demand of EPE-PEMC Council, the local organizer has to waive the registration fee of up to max. ten distinguished, invited personals named by the EPE-PEMC Council and in addition the expenses of their hotel accommodations have to be covered by him.

15. Financial issues and EPE

EPE and PEMC have signed an agreement at the end of the last century. As an outcome of this contract the EPE Secretariat in Brussels and local organizer and his university have to sign a co-operation agreement. EPE in certain ways assist the organization of the conference (promoting it, reviewing process, organization of tutorials and exhibitions, etc.) In return some financial benefit has been transferred to EPE. The EPE-PEMC Council was not involved in this matter. The actual facts should be inquired from the local organizers or from the EPE Secretariat.

16. Brand name EPE-PEMC

The Conference, the local chairman exploites, franchises the brand name EPE-PEMC for attracting the participants worldwide. In order to safeguard the professional and social quality of the Conference the members of EPE-PEMC Council through the Secretariate and its chairman have the obligation and right to keep a close eye on the progress and organization of the Conference. They keep giving advices, help to the local chairman who continuously inform the EPE-PEMC Council and answers the questions and advices. In the year of the Conference after completing the review process the local chairman organizes a meeting for selecting the accepted papers. He invites the members of EPE-PEMC Council, the members of EPE-EC and the members of the ISC.

17. Website

The recommendations, conditions uploaded to the website of EPE-PEMC Council must be observed (Website is

18. Electronic Management

The conference must completely be managed electronically by Internet. Website have to be set up and operated.

19. Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

LOC must be set up and well defined tasks have to be assigned to each member covering all activities.

20. Additional recommendations

The proposal must be accompany by a map/sketch of the city, esp. part of conference venue, drawings and plans enhancing all conference venue arrangement. Have in mind, that the referees of your proposal are not familiar with local arrangements that are known for you.

21. Add anything else you consider valuable for the evaluation of your application.

EPE-PEMC Council, EPE Secretariat

Last update: 2023. 06. 29. 08:30